Compliance is Intentional, Food-grade Compliance is essential
Today, compliance of any type has become the norm in business especially food-grade compliance. Training, documentation, stringent processes and workflows are necessary to comply with regulatory and legal requirements.
Handling food products demands an understanding of food-grade compliance requirements. Ascend excels in this area. Our expertise and knowledge of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), FMSA (Food Safety Modernization Act), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration) and HAACP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) positions ASCEND as a “Partner of Choice” to our customers. In addition, our own internal robust standards in safety, security and sanitation enhances this positioning to any manufacturer, distributor or supplier. Ascend is also licensed by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture as a food-grade warehouse.
Our solid processes and workflows create a work environment of Safety. This is an important mindset to Ascend’s internal culture. We want our employees to work in a safe environment. We want to train them to handle our customer’s important products in a safe manner. When products leave our operations, we ensure they are safely transported to the customer. Everything we do has safety in mind.
Our facilities meet all the food-grade compliance requirements with assistance of external audits by outside providers. AIB (American Institute of Baking) audits are conducted annually and Ascend consistently achieves the highest rating available of “Superior” which supports our core value of excellence. This extensive outside audit reviews areas and practices of Food Safety training, Sanitation and Pest Control practices, Recall and Traceability Capabilities and other necessary food protection programs.
The Quality Achievement Awards that Ascend receives represent the dedication of the Ascend team and its commitment to excellence. Our secure and gated facilities reinforce the importance of the safety and integrity of our customer’s products.
Our SOP’s supported by Ascend’s Warehouse Management System (WMS) functionally aligns to the compliance essentials necessary. WMS functionality includes:
On-line and real-time visibility to inventory and activity is available at all times through the Customer Portal.
Lot, Batch and Rotation of FIFO and LIFO are used to ensure accurate rotation of stock.
Recall and Traceability capabilities with detailed history and activity can be accessed and available quickly.
Customers expect their 3PL to comply with the regulatory and legal requirements necessary in the supply chain. When ASCEND handles our customer’s product, whether in the warehouse or on our trucks, we take this seriously. Non-compliance can be costly with hefty fines to both organizations.
During the 3PL selection process, ASCEND encourages a thorough investigation into ASCEND’s experience and processes toward compliance. Compliance satisfaction is a high priority for the ASCEND team.
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